Blizzard 2011

Apparently, I am not as good at this blog thing as I had hoped to be.  This fact is rather obvious, I know, but it hit me hard when I realized that I haven’t posted anything for nearly 3 months, and that post was titled “Catching Up”.  Ugh!

I think it would be much easier if I just briefly posted everyday.  I’ve been inspired by my friend Gina who posts everyday so, here goes another “start”.  But, this one can’t be brief!  🙂

The past 2 weeks have been rather interesting, so I guess that’s why I decided to post again.  🙂  A week ago Monday, which was Jan 31, we were told of a coming storm — lots of snow and bitterly cold temperatures.  They were right.  We received nearly 10 inches of snow and our temperatures, not wind chill, got down to -25°!  Brrr!  They cancelled school, which turned out to be a good thing because all 3 kiddos got very sick with fevers and infected lymph nodes.  Fortunately they didn’t have a bunch of make up work to do.  However…it sure made a loooong week for mommy.  Then, to add to it, the school already had a Teacher In-service and Parent/Teacher days scheduled for this past Monday and Tuesday — no school again.  THEN, we got another storm with 3 more inches of snow and more bitter cold.  So they canceled school Wednesday and had a 2-hour delay on yesterday.  By yesterday morning it was, “You’re going to school!!”  Only Caleb attempted to feign a tummy-ache.  But, he went!

I guess I could stop there and that could be a somewhat short post, but I have more to tell you!

One of my favorite things I’ve learned to do is refereeing basketball.  First, I get to watch the game – love it; then there’s the side bonus  of actually exercising – yea me!  AND I don’t have to yell at  the refs – I get to make the calls I want to!  All that AND (most of the time) you get paid for it!  So, Anna is playing basketball this year on the Route 66 Elementary Roadrunners team and doing a wonderful job too!  For this level of play they use dads who volunteer to officiate the games and I’ve been privileged to ref both of her games so far.

(Must get new camera for better pics)

Ok, if I stop here I can post again soon.  Thanks for sticking with me.  If you are still hanging on to my blog, let me know with a comment.

7 thoughts on “Blizzard 2011

  1. of course I’m sticking with you, you’re on my google reader!! 🙂 glad to hear from you once again – missed you! (I haven’t been that good of a blogger lately either…)
    my dad did a lot of ref-ing and ump-ing when he was out in western Kansas. he did it for money – you should too 🙂
    good to hear everyone is getting better! I too got sick a couple of weeks ago, not fun. but then it was just me at home for 4 days straight, no one to argue with 😉

  2. Glad to know your still alive! 🙂 Although I do see Melissa’s updates on fb from time to time. Tell her she needs to blog more too! Brookie misses Anna!

  3. Jarrd–I ALWAYS read your blogs,and keep up with you on FB. And enjoy both!! Spring WILL come!!

  4. Hey Jarrod,
    Love reading your blog, it’s nice to stay caught up with you and Melissa and the kiddos. Keep it up!

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